the history of beer

History teaches that beer was invented by a woman. According to a legend, in fact, beer was born thanks to the mistake and carelessness of a woman, who forgot a plate of cereals outside the house; there was a storm, the seeds got wet.... And so beer was born…

The (documented) history of beer was born around 4500 BC, in the then rich and flourishing Mesopotamia: The Sumerians were the first brewers, and each social stratum had the right to a certain quantity of beer per day. Then the Babylonians arrived, with the very famous “Code of Hammurabi” (1728-1686 BC), according to which anyone who watered down beer was condemned to death (right, that's how it's done!!!). Even among the Egyptians it was a widespread drink, and even Cleopatra drank it and gave it to her gods. Beer reached Greece and the Jewish people (beer also appears in the Bible), and by many populations it was even considered the drink of some Gods. Beer became widespread in the third millennium BC. also in China, where it was produced with other cereals in addition to barley (including, obviously, rice...).

A very important people in the history of beer, without a doubt, were the Celtic people, who drank rivers of beer in Gaul, Britain and Ireland, before, after and during the wars.

For Ireland, there is even a legend in which it is said that the country achieved its freedom only when the hero Mag Meld managed to wrest the secret of brewing beer, the drink that made them immortal, from the evil Fornorian monsters ( they really had to drink a lot of beer to make certain arguments!!!).

When the art of brewing entered the convents, rules were introduced on its production and hops began to be used as a flavoring instead of all the other various spices that had been used up to that point.

In the year 1000 the figure of the master brewer was born in Germany and in northern Europe beer began to be produced industrially. In 1516 the edict on purity was issued, which contained the definitive code on the production of beer: it could only be made with barley malt, hops and water. Even though master brewers were widespread, priests and nuns certainly did not give up this pleasure and consumed large quantities of "fathers' beer" (for boys), and "convent beer" for girls). The first schools for master brewers also began to appear: the most famous is that of Munich (natural, right?) which is still in operation today. Pubs and pubs became very popular in England, but it was still the only region where hops were not used (and it seemed to you that the English were no different from the others... oh well...). Beer was so widespread throughout Europe that it began to be taxed (bad, bad!!!).

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